Friday, December 24, 2010

Benefits of Being A Blessing

1 Peter 2:8-12

8 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; 9 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. 10 For “ He who would love life and see good days,

Let him refrain his tongue from evil,

And his lips from speaking deceit.

11 Let him turn away from evil and do good;

Let him seek peace and pursue it.

12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,

And His ears are open to their prayers;

But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil."

In this passage Peter list six key elements that should characterize any group of believers. I would like to talk about the last one in verses 9-12 about "Being a Blessing." In our fallen world it is deemed acceptable by some to tear people down verbally or to get back at them if we feel hurt. Peter, remembering Jesus example and his teaching about turning the other cheek, encourages his readers to pay back wrongs by "Being a Blessing." In God's kingdom revenge is an unacceptable behavior. Rise above getting back at those who want to hurt you. Instead of reacting angerily, "Be a Blessing." Peter tells us that those who turn from evil and pursue blessing will recieve several benefits.

  • If you will "Be a Blessing" you will "Be Blessed" (v. 9)

God says if you bless them that curse you, you will inherit a blessing. This is a reaping what you sow principle. If you live a life of cursing people, you will be cursed. But if you live a life of blessing people you will be blessed. You will live life full of God's blessing.

  • If you will "Be a Blessing " you will "Love Life" (v. 10)

You will enjoy your life and good will come to you. But if you don't life will be miserable to you.

  • If you will "Be a Blessing" you will "Promote Peace" (v. 11)

People are looking for a fight. If you respond to a curse with a blessing it will promote peace and stop the fighting. Proverbs tells us that a gentle answer turns away wrath. You are called to be a peacemaker not a fighter.

  • If you will "Be a Blessing" you will have "Presence and Prayers" (v. 12)

One of the great benefits of a being a blessing to others is that you will have God's blessing and favor, God's close presence with his help and grace, and God's answer to your prayers. God will be with you.

There are several benefits to being a blessing to people. It is easy to be a blessing to someone who blesses you. How hard is it to be a blessing to someone who hurts you? Jesus said if you bless our enemies and do good to them that you will heap burning coals upon their head. Jesus answer is to repay evil with good. Why don't you be a blessing?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

FLorida Vacation Day 1

We left at 3:40 am on Friday August 20th and arrived at Lake City, Florida at 5:30pm. We checked into Fairfield Inn exhausted from the fourteen hour trip. We enjoyed the hot tub and pool and ordered a pizza and knot sticks from "The Brooklyn Bros." I would recommend that place to anyone. It was huge! It was quite a delight to have a NY style pizza in Florida! We got up this morning and enjoyed the pool again. We are leaving for Cocoa Beach at 11:00 am. Ocean and beach here we come! I am praying for all of our people and church and hope to find a good church to go to tomorrow! Blessings!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Office

I have posted some pics of the new office at church. It is really nice and will be more exciting coming to the church office. It will be a place that you can be proud when people come and visit.
There are still a few things to do .... replace the window and some minor painting. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Remodeling

Add ImageI have attached a few pictures of the work being done on the former nursery. We are moving my office into the old nursery and moving the nursery into the other classrooms. We will be doing more work throughout the next couple of months. Heather Trietsch's father and uncle are doing the work. Also, we put a basketball goal up in the back parking lot.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Miracle #3

Gary Owens blood sugar was high. Because he went on the Daniel Fast and ate healthy foods, his blood sugar has been normal. Since then he has eaten healthier. During the Great Banquet, he didn't even take his medication. As Daniel ate fruits and vegetables, the servant found out that Daniel was healthier and stronger than the other proteges. Sometimes the way God heals us is when we eat the right foods.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Miracle #2

I'm posting miracles that God has provided for us as a direct result of our prayer and fasting.

Martha Scobee's knee was hurting and very week. She complained that her knee felt like it would buckle at any time. She went forward for prayer when Pastor Chad asked for those who needed prayer for their knees. She said God touched her knee and that it doesn't feel like it is going to buckle anymore. Praise God!

If God has done something for you as a direct result of prayer and fasting would you email me at

Rev 19:10 "....the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophesy."

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Backside Healed

On these blog entries I am sharing testimonies of what God has done as a result of our prayer and fasting.

Randy Weaver was having pain through his leg, hip and back. ((Can you imagine Randy being a pain in your back! LOL!)) Anyways, it was hard for him to walk and to stand up straight for periods of time. Randy didn't even go up for prayer. Randy said the next day he woke up and had no pain whatsoever! He was pain free! Praise the Lord! We serve a God that heals!

If God has done something for you email me at so we can share with others.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

21 Day Progressive Fast

At the first of the year I always like to start with prayer and fasting. I have chosen to do a twenty-one day progressive fast. The next couple of Sundays I 'll be preaching a message entitled Fasting or Feasting. In these messages I will talk about what is fasting and why we need to fast.

I wanted to let you know what my fasting plan is this year. First of all I will be fasting for twenty-one days. There are a couple of reasons twenty-one is a significant number. First, Daniel fasted for twenty-one days when he received the answer to his prayer. Secondly, I heard it said it takes twenty-one days to establish a habit.

Here is the plan for the fast....

Week 1 January 11th -17th (Monday - Sunday)

  • What to fast?

  • I am asking you to fast something this week. I will be preaching about four types of fast on Sunday, January 10th. You will discover you can fast something. (TV, Soda, Meal). I am going to be fasting one meal per day this week.

Week 2 January 18th - 24th (Monday - Sunday)

  • What to eat?

  • Chicken and fish; Fruits and vegetables; no sodas, sugar or caffeine

Week 3 January 25th - 31st

  1. January 25th - 28th (Monday-Thursday)

  • What to eat?

  • Fruits and vegetables; juices and water only

  • Similar to a Daniel Fast

2. January 29th-31st (Friday - Sunday)

  • What to eat?

  • Juices and/or water only

I will end the fast on Sunday, January 31st at 6:00 PM by taking communion at Sunday Night Saturation. Sunday Night Saturation will be a Miracle Night. We will be having a guest speaker that evening.

Fasting is a discipline that Jesus had in His life which benefited his ministry. I want to challenge you to start the year with some kind of prayer and fasting. Won't you join me as I consecrate my life and ministry to God?