Wednesday, January 6, 2010

21 Day Progressive Fast

At the first of the year I always like to start with prayer and fasting. I have chosen to do a twenty-one day progressive fast. The next couple of Sundays I 'll be preaching a message entitled Fasting or Feasting. In these messages I will talk about what is fasting and why we need to fast.

I wanted to let you know what my fasting plan is this year. First of all I will be fasting for twenty-one days. There are a couple of reasons twenty-one is a significant number. First, Daniel fasted for twenty-one days when he received the answer to his prayer. Secondly, I heard it said it takes twenty-one days to establish a habit.

Here is the plan for the fast....

Week 1 January 11th -17th (Monday - Sunday)

  • What to fast?

  • I am asking you to fast something this week. I will be preaching about four types of fast on Sunday, January 10th. You will discover you can fast something. (TV, Soda, Meal). I am going to be fasting one meal per day this week.

Week 2 January 18th - 24th (Monday - Sunday)

  • What to eat?

  • Chicken and fish; Fruits and vegetables; no sodas, sugar or caffeine

Week 3 January 25th - 31st

  1. January 25th - 28th (Monday-Thursday)

  • What to eat?

  • Fruits and vegetables; juices and water only

  • Similar to a Daniel Fast

2. January 29th-31st (Friday - Sunday)

  • What to eat?

  • Juices and/or water only

I will end the fast on Sunday, January 31st at 6:00 PM by taking communion at Sunday Night Saturation. Sunday Night Saturation will be a Miracle Night. We will be having a guest speaker that evening.

Fasting is a discipline that Jesus had in His life which benefited his ministry. I want to challenge you to start the year with some kind of prayer and fasting. Won't you join me as I consecrate my life and ministry to God?