Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Primal Book Review

New book that just hit the stores today. I have been reading an advanced copy of Mark Batterson's book Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity. I would recommend putting it on your reading list for 2010.

Mark writes that we have made Christianity so complicated and that we need to go back to the prime roots of Christianity. Primal means to get back to the original. The chief prime truth, according to Batterson, is what Jesus called the most important commandment, or as we call it, the Great Commandment. We need to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. In this we learn that....

  • The heart of Christianity is compassion
  • The soul of Christianity is wonder
  • The mind of Christianity is curiosity
  • The strength of Christianity is energy

Mark takes these four elements and breaks them down in a real, honest and unique way. This book is a good reminder of what it really means to love God. I recommend this book as a must read for 2010.

Go to to look at other books Mark has written and to order a copy.

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