Monday, April 20, 2009

Are You Susceptible to Pornography?

Look at six characteristics of someone vulnerable to pornography. Check it out to see! I thought I would share with you some thoughts from the series of messages I have been preaching called the Perils of Pornography.

Proverbs 7:6-9

"6 For at the window of my house I looked through my lattice, 7 And saw among the simple, I perceived among the youths, A young man devoid of understanding, 8 Passing along the street near her corner; And he took the path to her house 9 In the twilight, in the evening, In the black and dark night."

These verses describe to us a person that is being tempted by the adulterous woman. You may say this passage is not dealing with pornography and I agree with you, but Jesus said that if you look lustfully at another woman you have already committed adultery in your heart. So by the very act of looking and lusting adultery has already been committed. That's why pornography is bad.

In this portion of scripture Solomon describes to us six characteristics of someone vulnerable to pornography.

1. The Simple/Lack of Judgment are Susceptible to Pornography

Solomon uses the the word "simple" to describe the person. The word simple means to lack education, experience or intelligence. It means to not have an understanding. Simple describes a person who lacks skill, good sense and judgment. Prov. 5:8 "You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding." Get educated on the Perils of Pornography. Don't ever think it can never happen to you.

2. The Young are Susceptible to Pornography

In this passage it was a young person that fell into the temptation. According to the average age for kids accessing pornography is 11 years old. 90% of kids 8-16 years old viewed pornography on line. It's not to say that the older generation is not susceptible. We all are! But generally speaking the young is where it starts. 2Tim 2:22 "Flee youthful lusts..."

3. Men are Susceptible to Pornography

The adulterous woman pursued a young man. Men are more susceptible to pornography than women are. It's not to say that women aren't vulnerable. According to 30 % of pornography purchased last year was by women. In general, men are by nature visual. We are stimulated sexually through the eyes. David said in Ps. 101:3 "I will set before my eyes no vile thing." This is a good place to stress to the women to dress modestly! because of your nature you will have to guard what you see. Always look away.

4. Those that Hang out with Others Who engage in Pornography are Susceptible to Pornography

This young man was not by himself when he started on his journey towards temptation. The scriptures says "...he saw among the simple... and among the youth." There was a group of people. Who you hang out with is who you become. I heard Jeanna Mayo say, "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future." It is important to hang around righteous people. David was very selective in who he hung out with. Read Psalms 101:4-7.

5. The Bored/Idle are Susceptible to Pornography

He passed along the street near her corner. He was sauntering. He had nothing to do. He passed through her street bored and as one who had nothing to do. People that have no purpose or are simply bored are prone to sin. We need to be carefull when we are bored, it can lead to sin especially when we are surfing the web.

6. Those that Put Themselves in the Way of Temptation are Susceptible to Pornography

This young man walked alone at night on the corner of a street where the adulteress woman was staying. He was exposing himself to danger. This was not a good place for him to be. If you play with fire long enough eventually you will get burnt. Don't put yourself in tempting places. The Bible says that we are to flee the very appearance of evil. Most pornography is hit at night. So set some standards. Don't get on the computor especially when everyone is asleep. Go to bed at night. Place your computor in a public area. My mom would never let me take my girlfriends in our room because it was putting us in a tempting situation.

Anyone can get addicted to pornography. But if you are simple, young, a man, bored, hang out with others who view pornography and always place yourself in tempting situations you are vulnerable to pornography.

If you fit into one of these descriptions what are you doing to help protect and prevent pornography from filtrating your life?

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