Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm Addicted to Twitter

A phenomena has swept the Internet world called Twitter. I have been engaged in this silliness for about one month now. I have been accused by several people, even my lovely wife, that I am addicted to Twitter. Several people have asked me what is Twitter. So I thought I would blog about why I Twitter.

What is Twittering? According to Twitters home page:

Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?

So why did I start Twittering? Four reasons I started Twittering

1. Convenience - I thought Facebook was a way to stay connected? So why do I need to Twitter? Plus it's another website I would have to check and frankly, I don't have the time. The main reason I started Twittering was because you can link your Facebook account to Twitter. The advantage that Twitter offers is that you can update your status via text messaging. So you don't have to be on the computer to change your status. People think that I'm addicted to Twitter because my Facebook status says changed "via Twitter." Really all I did was send a text message from my phone. You don't have to be around a computer to update your status.

2. Peer Pressure - Everybody else is doing it. I'll admit it. Over 1 million people are using it. I became involved because I saw college friends updating their profiles on Facebook via Twitter. I was curious and the rest is history. I don't know if I will continue to Twitter, only time will tell.

3. Connectivity - It allows family, friends and others to follow your activity throughout the day and keep up with your life. You can even get these updates via cell phone. I was able to see what a friend was doing while he was on vacation.

4. Contacts - It puts me into contact with people I would never rub shoulders with, so called "experts" in their fields. Some of the people that I follow I would never have known them otherwise. Some people that I follow are Matthew Barnett pastor of LA Dream Center, John Maxwell leadership guru, Michael Hyatt CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, Brian Houston pastor Hillsong Church, Shaun Alexander former Seatle Seahawks running back and Des Woodruff founder of Free Trading Videos. These are potential relationships that may prove fruitful someday. I just find it interesting to see what's going on in their lives.

I don't know if this is something that I will continue to do, but I am having fun with it at least for now. If you want to follow me you can do so by joining Just sign in and follow the directions. Follow me here if you are already signed up. It's pretty simple.

I guess I'm addicted to Twitter.

Are you ready to give it a try?

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