Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Worst Habit You Can Develop

Do you have any bad habits? At some point or another, virtually everyone has a bad habit in their life. I Googled the top ten bad habits and found an article written in the Chicago Tribune that gave the Top Ten Worst Bad Habits by Matthew Cahill. Physical addictions were not included on this list. They were:

  1. Gossip

  2. Spitting in Public

  3. Cursing

  4. Lecturing

  5. Not Washing Hands

  6. Slouching

  7. Cracking Knuckles

  8. Biting Your Nails

  9. Talking with Mouth Full

  10. Procrastination

Out of this list my worst bad habit is biting my finger nails. I'll admit it. (Of course you could look at my fingernails and see the evidence.) When I get anxious I start biting away. I usually start to partake of this habit when I put a sermon together in my office. I keep a trash can close by because I want to keep the area clean and throw away the remains. Enough said about that. How about you? Which is the worst bad habit in your opinion?

Can I mention one bad habit that is not on this top ten list? I believe that it has greater potential to do harm than any of these listed. In my opinion one of the worst bad habits you can form in your life is skipping church. Yes, I said skipping church.The writer of Hebrews even agrees with me....or should I say I agree with the writer of Hebrews.

Hebrews 10:25
"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Alot of people have this bad habit in their life. Fox News said that half of Americans don't go to church and that the half that go only attend church once a month. There are so many reasons and excuses to skipping church..... from it's my only day to sleep in to it's boring and irrelevant. Whatever the reason may be, skipping church is habit forming. You need the church in your life. We must meet together regularly in order to encourage and strengthen one another to hold firmly to Christ as the end approaches. If we withdraw from the body of Christ and neglect meeting with other believers, we become weaker, not stronger, and more susceptible to deception and Satan's schemes.

What kind of bad habits do you have in your life?

Is skipping church a bad habit you have developed?

Is skipping church ok with you?

I would love your thoughts

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