Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Picture of Dr. George O. Wood and Me

What makes a great leader?

Dr. George O. Wood the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God spoke at our District Council this past week. I had the privilege of getting a picture taken with him and getting an autographed book he wrote called a Psalm in Your Heart. He was elected to the position in August of 2007 at Indianapolis. I was there when he was voted in. (By the way I didn't originally vote for him.) Since Dr. Wood has been in this position, I have been thoroughly impressed by his leadership, integrity, humility, knowledge and speaking ability. I believe our fellowship is in great hands.

In one of John Maxwell's recent email letters he says one of the things that make a great leader is the ability to lead through adversity. He gives the example of the pilot Chesly B. Sullenberger who safely landed the engine less plane in the Hudson River.

Sullenberger's influence soared as a result of his leadership in the midst of harrowing circumstances. Before January 15th, Sullenberger was an accomplished, but anonymous pilot. Afterward, he was recognized as an American hero, drew a captive audience whenever he spoke, and was highly sought after by federal aviation officials for his safety recommendations.
Going through adversity, though not pleasant at the moment, opens the door to new levels of influence. By staying poised and keeping a positive attitude under pressure, leaders can pass through adversity having grown in stature more than they ever could have in comfortable times.

John Maxwell talks about four potential benefits that can be gained when triumphing over adverse circumstances. This article meant so much to me I thought I would share the benefits on my blog. Click here to view his article.

1. Creates resilience - because you have already coped with adversity, you become better equipped to handle adverse circumstances. The more experience I have, the better I can become.

2. Develops maturity - As an African proverb says, "Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors." Adversity has the potential to make you a better leader.

3. Creates greater opportunity - Oftentimes a bright future waits on the other side of hardship. The mental strength acquired in dealing with misfortune can be an invaluable asset in pushing forward into new ventures. Ask Job.

4. Wins respect - When others see your character and persistence during the rough stretches in leadership, they walk away with an enhanced opinion of you.

What makes a great leader? One of those is the ability to lead in adverse times. When going through adverse times one can feel the pressure. While no one wants to face adverse times, it can actually serve to benefit a leader.

How do you face adverse times as a leader?

What do you think makes a great leader?

Do think Dr George Wood is a great leader?

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