Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Great Banquet

I am starting my Sabbatical by attending "The Great Banquet" retreat at Zionsville Presbyterian Church from Thursday, October 1st to the 4th. For those that don't know, The Great Banquet is a weekend retreat for woman and men (at separate times) and is comprised of discussion, prayer, fellowship, music, worship and fun. The leaders cover the clocks so you don't know what time it is, and give you your absolute fill of home-cooked meals and little "God loves you!" gifts. You can read the website for more detail, but simply put, The Great Banquet is a 72-hour, locked-in, spiritual retreat where the guests are loved by The Great Banquet community the way God loves us.

From what I hear it will be like when you attended church camp during the summer, except that it's designed for an adults schedule and it takes place, in different communities and denominations, all over the world.

I am going because several people have encouraged me to be a part and I think it will be a great way to start the Sabbatical. I really don't know what is going to happen while I am there, but I am looking forward to experiencing Christ's presence in a fresh way and establishing some new relationships with people from different walks of life.

Click here if you want more information about The Great Banquet I am attending.

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