Friday, February 4, 2011

Just say "No!"

As a leader it is easy for us to over commitment ourselves to things. Jesus shares a parable about two sons that emphasises saying no.

Matt 21:28-31
28 “But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go, work today in my vineyard.’ 29 He answered and said, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he regretted it and went. 30 Then he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, ‘I go, sir,’ but he did not go. 31 Which of the two did the will of his father?”
They said to Him, “The first.”

1. It is better to Under Promise and Over Deliver, than to Over Promise and Under Deliver. When we over promise and under deliver it creates disappointment because it creates a high expectation that goes unfulfilled. When we under promise and over deliver it creates an unexpected surprise.

2. It is better to say no and then do it, than to say yes and not do it.
One of the hardest words for people to say is one of the shortest words ever spoken, "No!" This word will help you to keep balance in your life and margin in your days. Jill Savage, wrote on a Michael Hyatt's blog "Five Strategies that Make it Easier to Say No." I thought I would restate her points here.

  • Never say yes on the spot. Think about it for twenty-four hours

  • Don't feel like you need to give a long list of excuses. No further explanation is needed.

  • Commit to no more than one major and one minor volunteer responsibility at a time. A major responsibility will take weekly preparation and more substantial time commitment. An example would be teaching a Sunday School class or coaching your child's team. A minor responsibility will involve little time commitment and preparation such as working in the church nursery once a month or supplying snacks for your child's team a couple of times.

  • Keep in mind you don't have to say yes because you are capable. Ask this question if you are capable, "I'm capable, but am I called?" Does God want me to do this?

  • Hit the delete button when guilt sneaks in.

When we say no, we in a sense are saying yes to something else. We need to be more comfortable saying no. How about you? How hard is it for you to say no?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unexpected Surprises

Don't you love unexpected surprises! My wife got me an iPad for Christmas this year. I wasn't expecting that at all. In fact, It was shocking! I felt like a kid all over again and have enjoyed using it. Have you ever received something that was unexpected? One of the greatest examples of receiving an unexpected surprise was Jacob. He received news that his son was still alive and that he was governor of all of Egypt. The Bible says that he was stunned at the news and that he couldn't believe it. His initial response was one of shock and unbelief. When he began to see that the surprise was true his spirit became revived. Revival will happen when God surprises us with things that are unexpected. God wants to surprise us with unexpected blessings and when that happens it will revive our spirits! What has God unexpectantly surprised you with that has revived you?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fasting Facebook?

January 10th starts week number one of a twenty-one day progressive fast. January 10th - January 16th I am asking you to join me in fasting something this week. There are all types of things you can fast. Are you having a hard time deciding what you should fast? Here are some suggestions of things you could fast this week...

  • All Junk Foods (Little Debbies, Cookies, Candy Bars, Chocolates, etc.)

  • One Meal Per Day

  • Sodas/Coffee

  • TV/Entertainment/Movies - According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day. Not too mention how many sex and violence acts are portrayed in these shows.

  • Video Games

  • Secular Music - K-LOVE is challenging people to listen only to Christian Music for the next month and see how it changes you.

  • Technology/Computers

  • Facebook - Facebook is the webs number one time sink. Numbers released by Nielson estimate the average time spent on Facebook is seven hours a month. This averages out to be about 14 minutes per day. How about putting your Face in The Book!

  • Here's a good one you may think is funny....Sex! Of course with limitations, read 1 Corinthians 7:1-5. Sex should never be deprived in a marriage, only when both partners consent, only for a short period of time, and for spiritual purposes.

Having a difficult time knowing what to fast this week? These are just a few suggestions. I am going to be fasting one meal a day, and limiting my TV intake. These are all pleasures that we get to enjoy. How about fasting one or two of these things this week. How about you? What are you going to fast? Are there some other suggestions not listed?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

iPad on Trial

My lovely wife surprised me this year with an IPad for Christmas. She had asked me if I would wanted one. I was unsure if I needed another device especially at the cost they come. The iPad for me is on trial. I am testing it out to see if it will be incorporated into my life. I have had it now for a couple of weeks. I have found it to be surprisingly helpful. Here is how it has been helpful so far.

1. Size is nice
It is considerably smaller than a laptop and bigger than a smartphone. I sat in my chair and used the laptop a lot to explore the web, research and type notes. The laptop would get hot and was bulky. It's nice to have something that doesn't get hot and is a great size. Plus it is easier to read materials on than on my phone.

2. Multitasking is beneficial
It's great to be able to do multiple things such as check email and social networks, read books, play games, explore Internet. The iPad allows you to do all of these tasks, plus more!

3. Applications are numerous
Of course there is access to all applications that are available. A couple apps that have helped me are, youverion, flipboard, and Youversion has helped me with Bible reading. There are multiple translations of the Bible available for downloading and many bible reading plans. I am now reading the Bible from my iPad with a one year reading plan. Flipboard is a fun way to connect all your social networking sites, blog readers, and websites into one spot. is how I am transfer my sermons that I type on my laptop or PC onto my iPad. Through this application I can use my iPad for my sermon notes. How cool will I look when I preach from iPad!

Needless to say the verdict is still out there as to whether or not the iPad will be something that is incorporated into my life. Will it change how I do things like the laptop or PC has? Who knows, time will only tell. It sure has been fun exploring!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Benefits of Being A Blessing

1 Peter 2:8-12

8 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; 9 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. 10 For “ He who would love life and see good days,

Let him refrain his tongue from evil,

And his lips from speaking deceit.

11 Let him turn away from evil and do good;

Let him seek peace and pursue it.

12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,

And His ears are open to their prayers;

But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil."

In this passage Peter list six key elements that should characterize any group of believers. I would like to talk about the last one in verses 9-12 about "Being a Blessing." In our fallen world it is deemed acceptable by some to tear people down verbally or to get back at them if we feel hurt. Peter, remembering Jesus example and his teaching about turning the other cheek, encourages his readers to pay back wrongs by "Being a Blessing." In God's kingdom revenge is an unacceptable behavior. Rise above getting back at those who want to hurt you. Instead of reacting angerily, "Be a Blessing." Peter tells us that those who turn from evil and pursue blessing will recieve several benefits.

  • If you will "Be a Blessing" you will "Be Blessed" (v. 9)

God says if you bless them that curse you, you will inherit a blessing. This is a reaping what you sow principle. If you live a life of cursing people, you will be cursed. But if you live a life of blessing people you will be blessed. You will live life full of God's blessing.

  • If you will "Be a Blessing " you will "Love Life" (v. 10)

You will enjoy your life and good will come to you. But if you don't life will be miserable to you.

  • If you will "Be a Blessing" you will "Promote Peace" (v. 11)

People are looking for a fight. If you respond to a curse with a blessing it will promote peace and stop the fighting. Proverbs tells us that a gentle answer turns away wrath. You are called to be a peacemaker not a fighter.

  • If you will "Be a Blessing" you will have "Presence and Prayers" (v. 12)

One of the great benefits of a being a blessing to others is that you will have God's blessing and favor, God's close presence with his help and grace, and God's answer to your prayers. God will be with you.

There are several benefits to being a blessing to people. It is easy to be a blessing to someone who blesses you. How hard is it to be a blessing to someone who hurts you? Jesus said if you bless our enemies and do good to them that you will heap burning coals upon their head. Jesus answer is to repay evil with good. Why don't you be a blessing?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

FLorida Vacation Day 1

We left at 3:40 am on Friday August 20th and arrived at Lake City, Florida at 5:30pm. We checked into Fairfield Inn exhausted from the fourteen hour trip. We enjoyed the hot tub and pool and ordered a pizza and knot sticks from "The Brooklyn Bros." I would recommend that place to anyone. It was huge! It was quite a delight to have a NY style pizza in Florida! We got up this morning and enjoyed the pool again. We are leaving for Cocoa Beach at 11:00 am. Ocean and beach here we come! I am praying for all of our people and church and hope to find a good church to go to tomorrow! Blessings!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Office

I have posted some pics of the new office at church. It is really nice and will be more exciting coming to the church office. It will be a place that you can be proud when people come and visit.
There are still a few things to do .... replace the window and some minor painting. Enjoy!