Monday, January 10, 2011

Fasting Facebook?

January 10th starts week number one of a twenty-one day progressive fast. January 10th - January 16th I am asking you to join me in fasting something this week. There are all types of things you can fast. Are you having a hard time deciding what you should fast? Here are some suggestions of things you could fast this week...

  • All Junk Foods (Little Debbies, Cookies, Candy Bars, Chocolates, etc.)

  • One Meal Per Day

  • Sodas/Coffee

  • TV/Entertainment/Movies - According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day. Not too mention how many sex and violence acts are portrayed in these shows.

  • Video Games

  • Secular Music - K-LOVE is challenging people to listen only to Christian Music for the next month and see how it changes you.

  • Technology/Computers

  • Facebook - Facebook is the webs number one time sink. Numbers released by Nielson estimate the average time spent on Facebook is seven hours a month. This averages out to be about 14 minutes per day. How about putting your Face in The Book!

  • Here's a good one you may think is funny....Sex! Of course with limitations, read 1 Corinthians 7:1-5. Sex should never be deprived in a marriage, only when both partners consent, only for a short period of time, and for spiritual purposes.

Having a difficult time knowing what to fast this week? These are just a few suggestions. I am going to be fasting one meal a day, and limiting my TV intake. These are all pleasures that we get to enjoy. How about fasting one or two of these things this week. How about you? What are you going to fast? Are there some other suggestions not listed?