Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unexpected Surprises

Don't you love unexpected surprises! My wife got me an iPad for Christmas this year. I wasn't expecting that at all. In fact, It was shocking! I felt like a kid all over again and have enjoyed using it. Have you ever received something that was unexpected? One of the greatest examples of receiving an unexpected surprise was Jacob. He received news that his son was still alive and that he was governor of all of Egypt. The Bible says that he was stunned at the news and that he couldn't believe it. His initial response was one of shock and unbelief. When he began to see that the surprise was true his spirit became revived. Revival will happen when God surprises us with things that are unexpected. God wants to surprise us with unexpected blessings and when that happens it will revive our spirits! What has God unexpectantly surprised you with that has revived you?

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy, Good words. God is so great with surprises.
    He is so faithful to give us what we need and sometimes we are surprised in the way it comes,or, how it comes.
