Wednesday, January 5, 2011

iPad on Trial

My lovely wife surprised me this year with an IPad for Christmas. She had asked me if I would wanted one. I was unsure if I needed another device especially at the cost they come. The iPad for me is on trial. I am testing it out to see if it will be incorporated into my life. I have had it now for a couple of weeks. I have found it to be surprisingly helpful. Here is how it has been helpful so far.

1. Size is nice
It is considerably smaller than a laptop and bigger than a smartphone. I sat in my chair and used the laptop a lot to explore the web, research and type notes. The laptop would get hot and was bulky. It's nice to have something that doesn't get hot and is a great size. Plus it is easier to read materials on than on my phone.

2. Multitasking is beneficial
It's great to be able to do multiple things such as check email and social networks, read books, play games, explore Internet. The iPad allows you to do all of these tasks, plus more!

3. Applications are numerous
Of course there is access to all applications that are available. A couple apps that have helped me are, youverion, flipboard, and Youversion has helped me with Bible reading. There are multiple translations of the Bible available for downloading and many bible reading plans. I am now reading the Bible from my iPad with a one year reading plan. Flipboard is a fun way to connect all your social networking sites, blog readers, and websites into one spot. is how I am transfer my sermons that I type on my laptop or PC onto my iPad. Through this application I can use my iPad for my sermon notes. How cool will I look when I preach from iPad!

Needless to say the verdict is still out there as to whether or not the iPad will be something that is incorporated into my life. Will it change how I do things like the laptop or PC has? Who knows, time will only tell. It sure has been fun exploring!

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