Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We Finally Won!!

We finally got our monkey off our back!! Kirklin Assembly of God finally won a softball game. Here's a picture of the victory.

After not winning a game all last season and what seem to be following the same suit this year we did the impossible. We WON! I knew it was just a matter of time. Thanks to all the fans who believed in us!:) The odd thing was that the team that we beat was our sister church Conerstone Assembly of God in Mulberry. Hey guys thanks for encouraging us.

Our next game is Friday, July 10th at 8:00 pm. We would love to see you there.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Latest on Taylor

Alot of people are asking how Taylor is doing. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. They have meant so much to us. I wanted to give an update on Taylor.

We went to the Infectious Skin Disease Doctor at Riley on Tuesday, June 16th for a checkup. Taylor's eye still has a little infection in it. His eye is still bulging a little. But his pupil is getting back into postion. Things are progressing slowly but well.

The Doctor wants to keep him on antibiotics for another week. We will be going back to the ISD doctor next Tuesday to hopefully remove the PICC line. Then Taylor will continue to take antibiotics through a pill.

As far as how Taylor is feeling, he is doing great. He feels no pain and has the energy an eleven year old boy should. Though he is bummed about missing the rest of the baseball season.

Once again thanks for your concern. We are thankful to God for His Goodness.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Visitor's at the Hospital

Picture with Roy Hall from Indianapolis Colts. Roy Hall from the Indianapolis Colts came by Taylor's room at Riley. I had no idea who he was, so I did some research. If you want to know who he is click here.

Some friends of ours from Oklahoma Brian Akerman and his new wife stopped by.

Whitney Drake my niece stopped by. Taylor's friend Jared Crawford is enjoying drinking from the "Pee Bottle" (that is actually apple juice he is drinking)

Some of Taylor's baseball team stopped in. They gave him a baseball bat and baseball trophy signed by the team.
I didn't get pictures of everyone who stopped by.
Des and Janell Woodruff, Randy and Lisa Weaver, Bill and Cathy Brock, Tracy Baber, Kim Davis, Pastors Dwight Herin, George Cooper and Kevin Alber. Jason and Angie Turner, Mom and Dad, Jeremy and Tisha Payne, Kim Stowers and boys, Mrs Kercheval.
Sorry if I missed someone.
Thanks for your visit. Your visit help time pass quickly and meant alot. Blessings

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cool Pictures of Taylor Getting a PICC Line

Mom consoling Taylor before his PICC

Kennedy looking in from the window at her brother
PICC Nurses preparing for the stick
Ultra Sound looking for a nice juicy vein

Pumped and ready for the stick.

Successful PICC LINE

Great Staff at Riley Hospital. This is Doctor Gaebler and one of Taylor's many nurses, Ashley who has a cool Australian accent. We are so grateful for all their work.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Taylor's Eye is Displaced

Look at a picture of Taylor's eye. The Doctor examined his eye this morning (Monday, June 8th). He wants to keep him here another night. He is concerned about the placement of his eye. I took this picture to show you why the Doctor is concerned. If you look at his right eye you will see that it is down and to the left (your left). His eye is not in the normal position it should be in. The Doc wants to take another CAT scan to see how everything looks behind the eye.

Please pray that Taylor's eye will go back to normal.

Friday, June 5, 2009

New Pictures and Update on Taylor

A pic of Taylor getting a new IV.
I wanted to give a "Shout Out" to Riley's Hospital for the exceptional service they have given to Taylor during his fiasco. What a great hospital. From the team of Doctors and nurses to the Ronald McDonald house and library and to the activities they provide for couped up children.
In the pictures above Taylor is participating in the "air show" activity, getting blood drawn from one of the many nurses, taking a wheel chair ride from Kennedy, playing on the Wii at the library. And Kennedy is enjoying a ride in the wheel chair as well.
Taylor is on the upswing. He still has a swelling in his eye and the mobility in his eye is improving. The Doctors are keeping him here to monitor the swelling, inflammation, vision and mobility. They said he would be able to leave sometime between Sunday to Tuesday.
Your calls, cards, visits and gifts have meant so much to us. Sorry if I haven't responded to you calls or emails.
Heidi and I love you very much!
PS: The nurse just came in and told Taylor his IV was going bad and was going to have to redo a new IV. He is so scared.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Update and Pictures of Taylor's Eye

Hello Friends and Family,
I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Taylor. On Saturday, Taylor was complaining of a headache above and below his right eye. On Sunday, his eye had started to swell slightly. Monday morning his right eye was swollen shut. I took him to the Pediatrician and she thought it was an allergic reaction to Ibuprofen. Tuesday the eye was still extremely swollen and purplish in color. He went back to the Pediatrician and she took a CAT scan and determined that he should be taken immediately to Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis.
We got here about 5:3o p.m. and they diagnosed him as having Orbital Cellulitis with an Abscess. They decided on doing surgery and took him back by 9:15 p.m. By midnight, they were done. They informed us that if we would have waited the infection could have gone back to the brain or he could have lost the vision in that eye. Praise the Lord no one waited!
They admitted us to a room and the Infectious Disease doctor told us that we would be here around 5-7 days. Taylor is doing really well right now. He woke up the day after surgery saying his eye felt 100% better! The swelling is slowly going down and the redness is wearing off. As of now, he still cannot open his eye completely and cannot move it up and down, but the Dr.'s are hopeful that will return as the swelling continues to decrease.
I want to thank you for your calls and your prayers and ask you to continue to pray for him. His appetite is good and he is in really good spirits. If you've called and I haven't called you back, I'm so sorry. It's taken me forever just to get this email composed! If you've spent time in a hospital, you understand!! I sincerely appreciate and love each of you.