Thursday, June 4, 2009

Update and Pictures of Taylor's Eye

Hello Friends and Family,
I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Taylor. On Saturday, Taylor was complaining of a headache above and below his right eye. On Sunday, his eye had started to swell slightly. Monday morning his right eye was swollen shut. I took him to the Pediatrician and she thought it was an allergic reaction to Ibuprofen. Tuesday the eye was still extremely swollen and purplish in color. He went back to the Pediatrician and she took a CAT scan and determined that he should be taken immediately to Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis.
We got here about 5:3o p.m. and they diagnosed him as having Orbital Cellulitis with an Abscess. They decided on doing surgery and took him back by 9:15 p.m. By midnight, they were done. They informed us that if we would have waited the infection could have gone back to the brain or he could have lost the vision in that eye. Praise the Lord no one waited!
They admitted us to a room and the Infectious Disease doctor told us that we would be here around 5-7 days. Taylor is doing really well right now. He woke up the day after surgery saying his eye felt 100% better! The swelling is slowly going down and the redness is wearing off. As of now, he still cannot open his eye completely and cannot move it up and down, but the Dr.'s are hopeful that will return as the swelling continues to decrease.
I want to thank you for your calls and your prayers and ask you to continue to pray for him. His appetite is good and he is in really good spirits. If you've called and I haven't called you back, I'm so sorry. It's taken me forever just to get this email composed! If you've spent time in a hospital, you understand!! I sincerely appreciate and love each of you.


  1. Jeremy & Heidi,

    I am so thankful to hear that Taylor is doing so well. Please know that you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. I am so glad to hear things are going well. I talked with my friend, Michelle, the pediatrician, and she said it is completely normal for them to keep in the hospital for that long, which you may already know, but I didn't, but was glad to hear. Anyway, don't worry about calling me back unless you need me to come have a cup of coffee with you one night while your up at the hospital!!! Love ya, we are praying for all of you!!
