Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Latest on Taylor

Alot of people are asking how Taylor is doing. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. They have meant so much to us. I wanted to give an update on Taylor.

We went to the Infectious Skin Disease Doctor at Riley on Tuesday, June 16th for a checkup. Taylor's eye still has a little infection in it. His eye is still bulging a little. But his pupil is getting back into postion. Things are progressing slowly but well.

The Doctor wants to keep him on antibiotics for another week. We will be going back to the ISD doctor next Tuesday to hopefully remove the PICC line. Then Taylor will continue to take antibiotics through a pill.

As far as how Taylor is feeling, he is doing great. He feels no pain and has the energy an eleven year old boy should. Though he is bummed about missing the rest of the baseball season.

Once again thanks for your concern. We are thankful to God for His Goodness.

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