Friday, June 5, 2009

New Pictures and Update on Taylor

A pic of Taylor getting a new IV.
I wanted to give a "Shout Out" to Riley's Hospital for the exceptional service they have given to Taylor during his fiasco. What a great hospital. From the team of Doctors and nurses to the Ronald McDonald house and library and to the activities they provide for couped up children.
In the pictures above Taylor is participating in the "air show" activity, getting blood drawn from one of the many nurses, taking a wheel chair ride from Kennedy, playing on the Wii at the library. And Kennedy is enjoying a ride in the wheel chair as well.
Taylor is on the upswing. He still has a swelling in his eye and the mobility in his eye is improving. The Doctors are keeping him here to monitor the swelling, inflammation, vision and mobility. They said he would be able to leave sometime between Sunday to Tuesday.
Your calls, cards, visits and gifts have meant so much to us. Sorry if I haven't responded to you calls or emails.
Heidi and I love you very much!
PS: The nurse just came in and told Taylor his IV was going bad and was going to have to redo a new IV. He is so scared.

1 comment:

  1. So glad Taylor is doing so great! We'll still keep him in our prayers and hope he has a full recovery. Kortney and I have been giving Missy lots of hug and kisses when we visit Lindsey and she is going great but misses you guys!

    Miss you guys - hope to see you all soon!
    Melinda Jobe
