Wednesday, October 14, 2009

God's Payment Plan

I wanted to share a personal testimony with you about one of the miracles of God that has happened to us during this sabbatical and Daniel fast.

As many of you know we have had a couple of physical ailments this year with Heidi's back and Taylor's eye. Thank God they are doing well! With these injuries we have acquired some medical expenses. We do have insurance and thank God for that, but we have to pay twenty percent of the bill. All the many doctor, x-ray and hospital bills have been piling up. We just tell them to put us on a payment plan and we will eventually pay you back.

This morning I was reading day seven in Jentezen Franklin's devotional book "Fasting Journal." The prayer focus was on prosperity and finances. He had me list out some specific financial needs to hold up in prayer throughout the day. I wrote one thing down...."hospital and doctor bills for Heidi and Taylor." Ten minutes later, Heidi called me crying on the phone saying "You are not going to believe this!" She had called Clarion North to set up a payment plan for the Hospital bill of $1,200.00. As it turned out, the gentleman signed us up for financial assistance and said that we qualified to have our whole hospital bill paid for. He said that our account balance was zero and that a procedure that Taylor has to have next month will be paid for as well! Praise the Lord! God has an incredible payment plan!

How has this happened? I attribute it to prayer and fasting. Jesus just didn't pray when He came to this world, He fasted. One of the things that fasting does is unlock God's miracles. Jesus fasted because He knew there were supernatural things that could be released only that way. The disciples couldn't cast out the demon from the boy because they didn't fast and pray. We could be missing our greatest breakthroughs because we fail to fast.

  • What do you need a breakthrough in?

  • Have you ever prayed and fasted?

  • Tell me about your miracles you have experienced that has been directly related to fasting.

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