Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Deal with Your Own Sin First

This morning I read from Leviticus 9 where the priests (Aaron) began their ministry the prescribed way God commanded. What I noticed about this account was that God instructed Aaron to offer a sin and burnt offering for himself before he was to offer sin and burnt offerings for the people. In other words he was to take care of the sin in his life before he was to take care of the sin in others.

As Pastors and church leaders we are not exempt from sin. Before we minister to other people we have to take care of the sin in our lives. I frequently say in my prayer time, "God help me to stand behind the pulpit with my sins canceled." On a consistent basis I always ask the Lord to forgive me of my sins, especially during my prayer time on Sunday mornings before I minister to the congregation.

If we don't take care of the sin in our lives as ministers we will end up like Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu toasted and burnt. If we don't deal with sin in our life, God will take care of it. Sin will eventually destroy our lives and ministry.

Have you dealt with your sins?

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