Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I thought you might be interested in a couple of pictures from my wives Diskectomy. For those of you who do not know, Heidi had major lower back and leg pain since the first of the year.
After many doctor visits, x-ray's and an MRI, we eventually found out that her L5 disc was bulging and was pressing against her sciatic nerve thus effecting her right leg making it very painful to walk. After several consultation's we decided that surgery was the best option.
The Doctor made about a two and half inch incision and a mere hour and fifteen minutes later gave me a souvenir for show and tell. The picture reveals what was causing the major pain she was experiencing. I was amazed that something so small (about the size of a nickel) was crippling my wife.
Needless to say she had almost instant relief and is doing a lot better. Praise The Lord! It's amazing what doctors can do.
I hope you enjoy the pictures and let it be a reminder that it can only take one small act of sin to cause you a lot of pain. Just remember God can preform a Diskectomy and bring you relief!


  1. I think my husband is enjoying this a little too much! He shows everyone that comes over!

  2. i know it's only 8:51am...but that was pretty much the most amazing things i've seen all day!!! wow! Glad you're feeling better Heidi!!!

  3. Welcome to Blogland!! I am a inconsistent blogger at best, but enjoy it when I have time. I'm glad Heidi is doing well...I've been thinking of her...And glad to see you blogging!
