Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to my blog. Thanks for being connected to me by way of this blog.

I'm taking a new adventure and stepping out into the "blog" world. I've developed this blog to be connected to those who are interested in what's going on in my life. We have developed many friends as well as enemies:) and I would like to stay connected to people in my life from old high school friends from North Central and college friends from CBC; to the people we ministered to in Oklahoma and to our church and friends in Kirklin, Indiana.

On this blog I will be sharing from three areas of interest. First, from my Christian faith. I am a follower of Christ and I will be posting things that will hopefully benefit your Christian walk. Secondly I will posting about my family. The post will entail anything from my kids sporting activities to family vacations. Thirdly, I will be posting frivolous issues such as fantasy football and our dog named Missy. Some of these will be appealing to you and others not so much. I hope that this blog will be enjoyable and will benefit you. If you are interested in my blog please subscribe at

Happy blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeremy! Glad to see you are blogging. I just started (again) blogging again. You can check it out at!
