Monday, March 23, 2009

Pink Elephants & Pornography

I have been going through a sermon series called Fireproofing Your Marriage. This past Sunday I dealt with a topic that has destroyed so many marriages. Pornography. Pornography is like the pink elephant in the closet, everybody knows it's there but nobody says anything about it. Pornography is a subject that is avoided in the church. It is too much of a dangerous subject to not say anything about.

As I began to do some research on the subject, I came across a great website that opened my eyes to the accessibility of pornography especially to our kids. Do you know that the average age for people to look at pornography is eleven! That is exactly how old Taylor, my son is. That means that even younger children are viewing pornographic material and they are viewing it through the Internet.

We have a lady in our church who teaches third grade at a local school. This past year she found that her eight and nine year old boys were exchanging and viewing pornographic websites at school!! The website affected me so much that we spent over $200.00 on a small desk and chair so we could put the computer, which was in my son's room, in our family room. We had to put our computer in his room because it was the only place our computer and desk would fit in our small house.

We have to do what we can to protect our kids from the perils of pornography. Please check out the website It was designed to equip parents on how to talk to their kids about porn. We can't afford to avoid this pink elephant. Check it out.


  1. Good stuff...hope you doing well.

  2. great stuff....hope your doing good. We need to golf again.
